Category Archives: life insurance

10 Reasons To Purchase Life Insurance

10 Reasons To Purchase Life Insurance | JT Insurance ServicesAs you move forward in the financial planning process and weighthe options for life insurance, these reasons may influence your decision making process, especially in regards to how much insurance you may need. Income replacement, final expenses, estate liquidity, covering debt, and building cash value are some of the many reasons you may want to consider purchasing life insurance.

Click here to read the full article  by AJ Smith for

Would You Donate Your Life Insurance?

Would You Donate Your Life Insurance? | JT Insurance ServicesWhen investing in life insurance, many individuals will immediately select family or friends as the policy’s beneficiaries. However, another option has been receiving attention lately — that of donating your life insurance to either a charity or a college. Individuals can either “name the charity as the policy’s beneficiary (and the charity receives the proceeds when the client dies) or they can transfer ownership of the policy to the charity while they’re alive.” While not all charitable organizations or colleges might be able to own such a policy, it is an interesting option to give charitably.

Click here to read the full article for LifeHealthPRO.

Tips When Purchasing Life Insurance

Tips When Purchasing Life Insurance | JT Insurance ServicesWhen considering purchasing
life insurance, there are many aspects to weigh in regards to the type of plan you are seeking. Primarily, it is incredibly important to understand your options and be educated in regards to the varieties of policies available to you. Setting coverage priorities, purchasing your plan early, insuring both parents, and consulting an insurance agent are also other recommended steps to take in the process of looking at life insurance.

Click here to read the full article for Richmond Times Dispatch.

Life Insurance Decisions Require Careful Consideration

Life Insurance Decisions Require Careful Consideration | JT Insurance ServicesWhen taking it upon yourself to consider valuable investments, one of the most important and worthwhile considerations may be that of
life insurance. Beyond just deciding whether or not you want life insurance, choices between permanent  and term life insurance may seem daunting. While permanent insurance provides coverage for your entire lifetime, term insurance lasts for a specified period of time. Discussing your options with an insurance agent and doing research will help you to choose what is the best option for you.

Click here to read the full article by Tim Sullivan for the Columbia Daily Tribune.

Types of Insurance For Your College Student

Types of Insurance For Your College Student | JT Insurance ServicesWhen your child goes away to college, there are important types of insurance to take into consideration to keep him or her safe and prepared for any incident. Health insurance, auto insurance, and even renter’s insurance may be good ideas to help your college student adjust to living away from home with new expenses and experiences.

Click here to read the full article by Kimberly Lankford for Kiplinger.

Types of Health Insurance for Every Age

Types of Health Insurance for Every Age | JT Insurance ServicesWhile different types of health insurance and other types of insurance are always important, certain types may seem more important at different stages of your life. The absolute basics of health and auto insurance should be established as early as possible, while individuals in their 30s often invest in life insurance, and in their 40s in long-term care insurance.

Click here to read the full article by Libby Kane for Business Insider.

How Long Does Life Insurance Last? | JT Insurance Services

How Long Does Life Insurance Last?

Often times individuals choose to purchase life insurance that will benefit their loved ones when they are no longer around. On average, people will expect life insurance to “cover expenses for at least 14 years after they die – but in reality, the money is usually enough to cover only three years of expenses.” This new information may affect how Americans look at life insurance coverage and financial planning for their families’ futures.

Click here to read the full article by Jonnelle Marte for Washington Post.

Tips for Family Health Insurance

Tips for Family Health Insurance | JT Insurance ServicesWhen considering how to protect yourself and your family in case of emergency, sickness, or other unexpected conditions, there are a variety of types of insurance you may want to consider. Family health insurance, disability insurance, and life insurance may all be good options for you to look into in order to support your family’s health. It is never too soon to consider family health insurance and other types of insurance for yourself and your loved ones.

Click here to read the full article for WebMD.

Millennials Delay Life Insurance, Pressure Insurers | JT Insurance Services

Millennials Delay Life Insurance, Pressure Insurers

A large number of millennials are delaying purchasing any type of life insurance until later in their lives. With this trend continuing, many insurers are feeling the pressure to expand into new markets and adjust how they are communicating with that generation of young people. Insurers are “investing at a much heavier pace” to appeal to the young millennials and prove benefits of life insurance.

Click here to read the full article by Katia Dmitrieva for Bloomberg News.

Insurance Tips for Millennials

The age group now being referred to as the Millennials– young adults ranging from 18 to 31 years of age– starting out their professional lives must consider different types of insurance. The group is considered to be more vulnerable due to lower income and assets, and for this reason and many more, should consider looking into the different kinds of insurance to secure their futures.

Click here for the full article by Catherine Fredman for Investopedia.