Category Archives: health insurance

Understanding Affordable Health Insurance Plans

Understanding Affordable Health Insurance Plans | JT Insurance ServicesWhen it comes to your affordable health insurance plan, it can seem somewhat daunting to understand each aspect of the plan and how your coverage will work in various settings. The Affordable Care Act has required that each newly issued health insurance plan cover 10 essential benefits, but this does not mean that having insurance will help you pay for every medical procedure you may choose to have. Be sure to read up on your rights, your insurance plan, and how your plan affects your options and prescription coverage.

Click here to read the full article by Donna Fuscaldo for Fox News.

Types of Insurance For Your College Student

Types of Insurance For Your College Student | JT Insurance ServicesWhen your child goes away to college, there are important types of insurance to take into consideration to keep him or her safe and prepared for any incident. Health insurance, auto insurance, and even renter’s insurance may be good ideas to help your college student adjust to living away from home with new expenses and experiences.

Click here to read the full article by Kimberly Lankford for Kiplinger.

Finding the Right Over 65 Insurance to Protect Your Future

Finding the Right Over 65 Insurance to Protect Your Future | JT Insurance ServicesIf you have reached or are approaching 65 years of age, you probably frequently consider your future.  You may need to alter your health insurance program to ensure that you have the proper amount of coverage at a reasonable cost. When you are looking into purchasing over 65 insurance, it is important to consider which plan would be best for your needs.

Understanding the coverage details of possible plans will allow you to make a more informed decision. Hospital and medical bills can be incredibly expensive, but an insurance plan can prevent these costs from drastically affecting your life. With recent healthcare reforms, insurance coverage has become broader. Therefore, most plans must cover certain basic services such as emergency services, mental health services, laboratory tests, and management of chronic conditions. Over 65 insurance plans can also be customized to cover additional services. That being said, most insurance companies offer various levels of coverage from which to choose.

Additionally, the amount of money you could have to pay out-of-pocket varies between plans. When receiving medical care, you will likely have to pay some portion of the expenses. A deductible is the amount of money you have to pay in a certain period of time before your insurance company begins covering costs. For example, if your annual deductible is 1500 dollars, the insurance company will pay for your expenses after you have paid 1500 dollars out-of-pocket. A co-pay is a set amount your plan requires you to pay for specific services. For example, your plan may have a fifty dollar co-pay for emergency room visits.

Individuals over 65 years of age can find plans tailored to their needs. Private insurance companies offer many different options for over 65 insurance. Finding an affordable insurance plan that is compatible to your lifestyle, health, and financial situation can make your future more secure. Ensuring that you are prepared for any medical situation that could arise will allow you to live more fully.

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Types of Health Insurance for Every Age

Types of Health Insurance for Every Age | JT Insurance ServicesWhile different types of health insurance and other types of insurance are always important, certain types may seem more important at different stages of your life. The absolute basics of health and auto insurance should be established as early as possible, while individuals in their 30s often invest in life insurance, and in their 40s in long-term care insurance.

Click here to read the full article by Libby Kane for Business Insider.

Nationwide County Analysis of Obamacare

Nationwide County Analysis of Obamacare | JT Insurance ServicesA study conducted across 3,137 counties regarding the cost of Obamacare, reporting that the underlying cost of individually-purchased health insurance has actually increased from 2013 to 2014. These figures account for unsubsifized health insurance prices, so Americans who are in fact receiving a subsidy will not accrue such large cost increases. The price difference under Obamacare is also highly dependent upon your age and tax bracket.

Click here to read the full article by Avik Roy for Forbes.

Should Family Health Insurance Supplement Employer Insurance?

Should Family Health Insurance Supplement Employer Insurance? | JT Insurance ServicesMany people worldwide rely on insurance provided by their employers to support them and their families in times of health needs. Some argue that on top of your employer-provided insurance, families may want to take out separate family health insurance to supplement if need be. This may be especially valuable in times of job loss or change of employers, but it is something that must certainly be decided on a case-by-case basis for each family.

Click here to read the full article by Nikhil Walavalkar for the Economic Times.

Affordable Care Act Moves Toward Equitable Healthcare | JT Insurance Services

Affordable Care Act Moves Toward Equitable Healthcare

With many Americans shifting from one insurance plan to another or going without coverage entirely, the Affordable Care Act has come at the perfect time and represents a step in the right direction toward more equitable healthcare. Covered California has provided fewer out of pocket expenses and subsidies to many of the insured. While some still see major problems with the American healthcare system, it certainly seems that the majority of subscribers are satisfied with the beginnings of the ACA.

Click here to read the full article by Somer Meade for Huffington Post.

Reasons to Consider a Medical Supplement Insurance Plan

Reasons to Consider a Medical Supplement Insurance Plan | JT Insurance ServicesThere are many health insurance policies that do not cover every medical expense that may arise. For example, many insurance policies do not pay for lost wages that someone may acquire when they get injured at work. That is why many insurance providers will offer medical supplement insurance plans to individuals who feel like such coverage is necessary. People who have this type of insurance can enjoy the peace of mind that comes from knowing they will be taken care of should the worst happen.

Medical supplement insurance is recommended for individuals who already have insurance, but want a little something extra just in case. This type of insurance makes sense for individuals who have an insurance policy that has a high deductible before the policy will kick in. A supplemental insurance plan will often pay this deductible. A medical supplemental insurance plan can also be used to cover a critical or life threatening illness. People who have a high risk of getting cancer may want to have additional insurance that will help out if they were to become critically ill. When people become seriously injured, there are often unforeseen medical expenses that may arise. For example, they may have transportation needs that they did not anticipate, and they may have a hard time making a mortgage payment because they were stuck in a hospital bed. It may become difficult to buy food and other basic necessities when a serious injury occurs. Having additional insurance can literally become a life saver in these circumstances.

Most insurance plans will cover basic medical expenses, which is incredibly beneficial. Individuals who want to play it safe may have a desire for medical supplement insurance so they know that they will always be taken care of. Individuals who feel like they are at a particular risk of getting seriously injured or ill should consider getting this type of insurance. People who have extremely high deductibles may also want to think about this type of medical coverage.

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Affordable Health Insurance in Early Retirement

Affordable Health Insurance in Early Retirement | JT Insurance ServicesIf you are opting for early retirement and do not yet qualify for Medicare, there are ways to reduce your health care costs and obtain affordable health insurance. Choosing a lower-cost, high deductible plan, embracing preventative care, utilizing financial planning, and discussing your options with a knowledgeable insurance agent will facilitate your search for affordable health insurance and support your health in early retirement.

Click here to read the full article by Luke Landes for Motley Fool.

Young Obamacare Enrollees Tend to Have More Health Problems

Young Obamacare Enrollees Tend to Have More Health Problems | JT Insurance ServicesA new study has shown that young enrollees in Obamacare tend to have more health problems, the opposite of what the architects of Obamacare were hoping. In theory, those behind the Affordable Care Act expected for healthy young people to counterbalance the older population with more health problems, but this new information contradicts this theory and may require rethinking on the part of Washington’s healthcare planners.

Click here to read the full article by Scott Gottlieb for Forbes.