Tag Archives: affordable medical insurance

Affordable Health Insurance for Young Adults

Affordable Health Insurance for Young Adults | JT Insurance ServicesYoung adults that are going through a transition period and starting their professional lives should be well-informed about affordable health insurance options. Young adults can remain on their parents’ health insurance plan until the age of 26, and if you are moving to a separate plan, affordable options are available. Preventative healthcare at a young age will support a healthy future, and for this reason young adults should be well educated on and covered by health insurance.

Click here to read the full article for WebMD.

Insurance Tips for Millennials

The age group now being referred to as the Millennials– young adults ranging from 18 to 31 years of age– starting out their professional lives must consider different types of insurance. The group is considered to be more vulnerable due to lower income and assets, and for this reason and many more, should consider looking into the different kinds of insurance to secure their futures.

Click here for the full article by Catherine Fredman for Investopedia.

Does Affordable Health Insurance Improve Health?

Does Affordable Health Insurance Improve Health? | JT Insurance ServicesA new study coming out of Massachusetts examined the effectiveness and links between affordable health insurance and actual improvement in health. Looking at the subjects’ health as a before/after comparison, the study showed improved health after receiving health insurance. Though the improvements were relatively small, the importance of affordable health insurance should not be ignored.

Click here to read the full article by Peter Ubel for Forbes.

Factors That Could Sway Affordable Health Insurance in 2015 | JT Insurance Services

Factors That Could Sway Affordable Health Insurance in 2015

Five factors may have an effect on affordable health insurance rates come 2015. According to the Washington Post, medical costs, customer health, customer age, competition within the insurance market, and overhaul-related changes could sway insurance prices in the next fiscal year.

Click here to read the full article on the Washington Post.

Free Health Insurance | JT Insurance Services

Do People Overuse Free Health Insurance?

With the Obamacare’s moves toward a more centralized healthcare system, some have raised the question of whether or not free health insurance would be exploited as a resource. There is fear that that such access and no need for payment would lead people to overconsume resources. However, it seems that this myth may be debunked– there is no proof that countries that provide low-cost or even free healthcare spend more. The United States as a country spends the most per-capita on healthcare in the world, and other countries with free or low-cost healthcare options spend much less.

Click here to read the full article by Michael Hiltzik for the Los Angeles Times.

Requirements to Change Marketplace Health Insurance in California | JT Insurance Services

How to Find the Best Affordable Medical Insurance

Obamacare is in effect, so every citizen of the United States must now have health insurance or face tax penalties. Because of this change, you may be searching for the most affordable medical insurance you can find for your family. Choosing medical insurance can seem like a daunting task. Between differences in premiums, co-payments and deductibles, there is a lot to consider. Here are some tips on how to find the best insurance plan for you and your family. Continue reading How to Find the Best Affordable Medical Insurance