Category Archives: small business

Reward Both You and Your Employees by Offering Small Business Health Insurance

Reward Both You and Your Employees by Offering Small Business Health Insurance | JT Insurance ServicesIf you are a small business owner, you may benefit by including small business health insurance in your benefits package. Unlike large business owners, employers with fewer than 50 employees may choose not to offer insurance to their employees without being penalized by the government. There are some things to consider when deciding whether or not to offer this benefit to the employees of your business.

Health insurance is considered to be a huge perk for employees, now that coverage is required and can be quite pricey for an individual. As a result, companies that offer health insurance tend to see more applicants and even more qualified employees. Once hired for a job, workers with medical insurance tend to be more loyal and stay in their positions for longer periods of time than those who do not receive benefits. Also, there is the added benefit that employees with insurance tend to be sick less often and miss fewer days of work.

Smaller business owners have a bit of an incentive to offer small business health insurance to their employees. If you are a business owner with fewer than 25 employees working full-time, you may receive a tax credit from the government. In order to qualify, the average of your employees’ wages must be less than $50,000 annually, and you must contribute a minimum of half the cost of an individual’s premium. This contribution will gain you a credit of up to 50 percent of the amount in 2014.

If your business has between 25 and 50 employees, you will not receive a tax credit for offering medical coverage. You will need to compare the positives and negatives to determine whether offering small business health insurance is a smart move for your business. There are different levels of coverage you can offer if you want to offer the perk but cut down on your premium costs. If you are on the fence, consult with a health insurance broker who can sit down and discuss the best options for you.

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Small Business Health Insurance | JT Insurance Services

Protection for Employees With Small Business Health Insurance

One of the hot-button topic s in that last several years is affordable health insurance. With the signing of the Affordable Care Act into law, there are new health insurance standards and options for individuals as well as for companies and organizations. Small business health insurance is designed to provide for the needs of a business that is required to offer health insurance to its employees, and for owners who to find affordable and comprehensive coverage. Continue reading Protection for Employees With Small Business Health Insurance

Small Business Health Insurance

Getting Health Insurance for Your Small Business Employees

With the new health care laws coming into effect at the end of March, everyone is looking for new health care. When you own a small business, you may have the added responsibility of purchasing health insurance for your employees as well. Small business health insurance has become an important focus for many employers. How does one go about getting the best coverage for their employees?


Websites Offer Help

There are some great websites out there that can help you choose the type of coverage you want for your employees. They will be able to provide you with the options that are available for you. You will see exactly what kinds of plans are offered and which ones fit best for you and your company.



Saving money is important to any small business owner. Providing your employees with health insurance is no different. You want to get the best coverage for the best price. There are plans out there that are low cost, while also covering your employees completely. Getting the best value is important both for your employees and your business. If you save money on your small business health insurance, you will be able to spend it on other things.



Having options for your health care coverage is important. Certain plans will work for some businesses and not for others. You want to be presented with multiple plans that will meet your needs. Having options is important because you will not feel like you are stuck with what is in front of you. You want to be satisfied and excited about your coverage and the easiest way to do that is to choose from a list of options.

Purchasing small business health insurance for your employees does not have to be a chore. Find a reliable website that can help you compile your options into one place. From there, all you have to do is weigh the benefits with the cost to get you best option.


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You can find me on Twitter via @Obamacare_Guru
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Small Business Health Insurance | Get the Right Plan

Choosing Health Insurance for Your Small Business

With the passage of the Affordable Care Act, small businesses now have, more than ever, some tough decisions to make when it comes to choosing small business health insurance providers for their workers. Should an employer provide health insurance at all? How much should they allocate for the costs? What is the best available, affordable coverage for their small business? Since health coverage is now mandatory for every American citizen, answering these questions, and more, is essential to every employer who wishes to make an informed choice.

ObamaCare did not change the types of plans available; it simply changed the baseline requirements for each plan. Preferred Provider Organization (PPO), Exclusive Provider Organization (EPO) and Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) are all still available for selection. Each plan offers its own advantages and disadvantages, however, so it is important to know what kind of product you need for your small business health insurance needs. Continue reading Small Business Health Insurance | Get the Right Plan

Small Business Health Insurance you can Afford

If you own a small business, then offering health insurance to your employees can be a challenge. The costs can be expensive, and often too much for a smaller business to afford. However, you may be paying too much for your small business health insurance, and there are things you can do to help bring the costs down. If you find your small business struggling because of the high costs of offering your employees health insurance, then it is a good idea to try to get those costs lowered.
Continue reading Small Business Health Insurance you can Afford