Covered California | JT Insurance Services

How the Affordable Care Act and Covered California Have Changed Health Insurance

Just prior to the introduction of the Affordable Care Act, nearly 40 million people in the United States under the age of 65 were uninsured. These people, including a large proportion of people who were not covered in California, would generally forego basic health care needs such as yearly check-ups and dental visits and would only see a physician when they became gravely ill. As a result, the treatment for the serious illnesses of the uninsured ended up being much more expensive than it would have been in the case of universal coverage.

The goal of the Affordable Care Act was to bring coverage to all people residing in the United States and to cut health costs by encouraging people to make use of preventive care and yearly check-ups. Overall, people who see a physician on a regular basis are much more likely to save on costs related to serious illnesses. This is because these illnesses are caught in the early stages, when they are much easier to treat. Now that more people are covered in California, the state hopes to see a significant reduction in costs related to emergency treatments for long-ignored health conditions. For FAQ about Covered California, continue reading here.

Another major improvement that the Affordable Care Act has brought to the insurance industry is the prohibition on denial of coverage to people with preexisting conditions. People who have serious underlying medical conditions are most in need of a solid insurance plan to cover costs of treatment and potential emergency situations. If you are suffering from a chronic disease such as kidney failure or diabetes, you may have found it a challenge in the past to get the plan you want. Nowadays, you will have a much easier time using programs like Covered California.

Despite these overall improvements to patients’ insurance options, the Affordable Care Act may cause a bit of confusion at first. If you are struggling to understand your choices for insurance coverage, you may want to speak at length with an insurance agent. He or she can help you organize all the new information and choose a plan that’s right for you.

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